Lawyer of Crimes of White-Collar Crimes

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We offer services of legal consultation and literate representation for all type of cases and crimes of White-Collar Crimes. We specialize in this type of topics and we do not practice only with the knowledge that we have acquired theoretically, but also with the national and international practical experience that we have been able to appreciate with the step of the years. This type of crimes is very particular and they have a singular profile that many lawyers ignore for the lack of experience in this type of cases.

On what do these types of crimes consist?

The crimes of white neck, also called crimes of white glove, they are those that are carried out by means of the graft of the funds of vulnerable users or of companies and signatures whose fundamental purpose is to be made of money and earnings through frauds and ¨classy robberies ¨. This type of crimes is very particular, because they have characteristic only that in fact make honor to the name with which are recognized, for example, they are classified with the last name of ¨white ¨ because those involved don't have a direct criminal contact seemingly with the fact that they execute like it usually happens in other crimes, because as they are directed to the patrimony and the goods of people, this type of acts is carried out ¨without getting dirty the hands¨.

These crimes represent a threat for the socioeconomic order, more than for the physical integrity of people, because they understand several criminal figures as the falsification of currencies and the undue appropriation that certainly in most of the cases it is very complicated to detect the author of the fact, for what we end up taking very recruited measures with the detainees for this type of crimes. In some cases the sanctions understand very near hardships to the maximum limit of the mark settled down in Law, by way of punishment and public reprehension.

Who are the authors in the crimes of White-Collar Crimes?

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We should keep in mind that in many cases it is usually used incorrectly the term ¨workers of white neck ¨, because it has nothing to do with the matter that we are trying, in this case, the workers of white neck are professional salaried that they have a minimum of studies and they carries out semiprofessional tasks like for example of office or administration in difference with a worker of blue neck that carries out their profession by means of the manual work.

On the other hand the responsible one for a crime of white neck is a person who shows a socially high or grateful status, as a person who enjoys certain respect in his environment, for example for his economic position, and he/she carries out the infraction in the acting of his work like professional, exactly what happens in this type of crimes is that his author is not seen socially of equal forms that the authors of other crimes, because he is not seen as a¨ delinquent¨, since they are individuals that interfere in a gray area of the legal thing and that they have certain general knowledge that allows them as business men and professionals that they are to carry out the crime, which is executed in a very hidden way and that it is excessively lucrative, that makes them to be practically impossible to be seen socially as criminals.

Why is it important that a lawyer advises him in this type of situations?

The most typical forms in which this type of crimes are materialized are the undue appropriation, the swindle, falsification, escape of taxes, fraud, laundry of money and graft of public flows because, although there are some other forms without a doubt in those that one can typify the crimes of White-Collar Crimes, these are those more practiced at world level. Most of these cases are millionaire embezzlements and keeping in mind that in dependence of the economically desired quantity, the offender's situation is increased, it is completely rateable a priori the necessity of an expert lawyer that offers his services with the seriousness and liability that the situation requires.

It is important to know that the lawyer in a penal process takes charge directly of 2 fundamental objectives, of which he comes off the rest of the actions that are developed along the case. Firstly, the lawyer has the obligation of representing his client and therefore the interests of the same one, for what is the one in charge of to transmit and to make a fact the necessities of his represented. On the other hand it corresponds him to look after the Objectivity of the process, what it means that he/she takes charge of to treat so that the impartiality is not violated that should govern all case, because as all penal process, in these cases 3 fellows intervene: Tribunal, Fiscal and Lawyer, but alone two of these fellows are parts in the process: Fiscal and Lawyer, because the Tribunal can never be part in a process, since his position like a judge it is impeded to him, since he should be impartial, so it corresponds the lawyer to keep an eye on it because the process flows without partiality which cracks the Law, without caring none of the element or characteristic that surround the offender of the crime.

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