We offer services of legal attendance to those who had been detained by crimes related to international criminal Organizations. committed with our work, we make an effort in representing with excellence to each one of our clients and certainly in this type of cases a singular ability is required which is not obtained only with the obtained academic knowledge of studies, but for the practical experience that you can reach. In our case, we take years exercising the profession, reaching a very positive acceptance among our represented one, because each rest rooms are specialized since lawyers experts in this type of cases have to dominate relative questions to the international order that are fundamental for the good development of these processes.
What are the international criminal Organizations?
The international criminal organizations are those constituted that is to say by a group of people who seek to carry out certain criminal acts, anti-juridical facts that also have certain lasting period in the time and that they always have an economic or lucrative purpose. Contrary to the processes of Organized Crime, in these cases a bond exists among their members that it interrelates them morally to be hidden to each other and to be able to avoid to the justice the biggest possible time. Another distinctive element is that they have international action that is to say outside of the territory where their headquarters reside, for what their acts have repercussions in different States.
Do the norms of the International Public Right intervene somehow in these cases?
The Notion of the International Public Right presupposes the existence of several international fellows, also the fact that these fellows enter in relationships each other and the will of the same ones of undergoing common principles. The international artificial cooperation, it is a matter that offers a very huge performance field and clear example of the great quantity of international treaties signed among different States and international organisms that embrace a wide dispersion of performances. The reciprocity is the most important principle of those who govern the international cooperation, it is impregnated in the whole international right making that the obligations and own concessions belong together to those assumed on the contrary.
Why is it important to dominate the process of Extradition?
As their lawyers we should determine if it is favorable to their causes to request or not a process of Extradition, since The extradition, is an institute framed in the international penal right; for their nuclear meaning in the group of questions that they affect to the application of the penal law in the space and in the penal procedural right, since it is necessarily superimposed in the process: it is an act of procedural development that happens as an act of juridical cooperation, in which the judicial activity doesn't carry out the competent organ for the investigation, the insurance or the prosecution of a person, but other different that it would be the cooperative one..
It should be a crime of importance and of non political nature, you cannot impose a pain for different facts for those who were extradited, the form and procedure of the extradition subject to the national law, it should be extraditable people, the one extradited can formulate reclamations in the face of the judicial authority of the requiring State.
How their lawyers can keep in mind those elements to favor their situation?
We have to carry out a detailed work on their legal situation, for we analyze the elements of their case in a particular way. For what we study if in their case there is some police Attendance among States: that it is the direct contact between the police organisms and the international organisms for the persecution in certain ways of delinquency, because we should explore if some violation of Rights has been made in these operations. Likewise if the judicial Attendance will proceed among States: that it is not more than the cooperation as regards justice where information and the realization of procedural steps, like the requiring commissions are exchanged for example (it is the diligence practice in another state to know of a certain process), as the shipment of witness to a foreign country.
It is necessary to keep in mind that the operation of justice: it presents two forms, one is the execution of foreign sentences and the second is the denial of foreign justice.
We should also advise him on questions that maybe he/she ignores as the territorial and diplomatic Asylum that is the entrance guarantee to a State for people pursued in their country by political character activities and the territorial Asylum that it is the refuge of the one pursued in the foreign territory. The diplomatic or extraterritorial Asylum: It is the refuge in the diplomatic headquarters of a country. The Extradition that we tried previously and that it is a procedure by means of which a State surrenders to another that obtains and accepts such deliverance of an individual in its territory and it is taken charge of to judge him or to impose penance on him marked against the same one. Also the Expulsion consists on the measure that every State may adopt, to make the foreign residents abandon their territory in it.