Accusations of Money laundering, legal defense
Every time the accusations of Money laundering are more frequent in European countries, where it is calculated in agreement with public made statistics for the International Monetary Fund that every year it is washed thousands of trillion dollars that come from traffic of drugs, traffic of weapons, prostitution, smuggling, robbery and graft of funds, among other origins.
Before an accusation of this type to some individual, Bank, company, it will be indispensable the consultation and legal defense, in those that the lawyers of our offices, specialized in all the related to that complex fact that constitutes an illegal activity which will trace an appropriate strategy, with the purpose of clarifying all the edges of the fact and to leave very clear if there is some responsibility or the innocence of the one accused.
Although it is certain that international regulations have been dictated so that that crime doesn't proliferate, cases of banks are given that they don't inform about doubtful financial transactions, with the result that has gotten worse and hardened in Europe the directive ones to go after those cases and to take them to be processed by the justice.