Lawyer of European Corporate criminal law
At an international level, the battle against the corruption becomes an action of all the nations, in that which Europe equally has its regulations to prevent and to avoid that crime and in case it happens, to arrest the offender and to impose on him the corresponding sanctions, hence the assistance, the role of a lawyer specialized in European criminal law has a great importance.
The United Nations General Assembly promulgated in 2005 an international juridical instrument for fighting against corruption, undersigned by 182 countries, that defines, among the crimes generated by that calamity, the bribe, the traffic of influences, abuse of authority of government employees in the particular or private interests, money laundering, misappropriation of funds, illicit enrichment. Therefore, it establishes the observance, penalization and to application of the law, as well as the cooperation at international level in such crimes, coupled with the technical assistance and the exchange of information, because these events continue to increase around the world.
The European nations have dictated norms about requirements of the Penal Code as regards the normative execution, with convenient procedures that allow a company, its executives, employees and others associated, to guide themselves and to enforce the normative legal framework, including regulations and laws, internal policies to prevent ascribable-to-people transgressions.